Saturday, August 31, 2019

Great Solution for Household Insects

About every 18 months or so (when I start seeing roaches or other household pests), I invest about $50-60 for RAID fumigators. They are different from "bombs" or foggers, much less messy.

They come 3 to a box, each one is a little can with a plastic beaker. Open all the drawers, closets and cabinets. You place one fumigator in each room (one in the attic, too, and one under the house if pier-and-beam).

I get ready for work for the day, put anything I need to take by the front door, then set the fumigators up, ready to go. Fill the beakers with about 1/4" water. Starting at the far end of the house from the front door, drop each can (right side up!) in the beaker, go to the next room and repeat.

Listen for bubbling sound, then a plume of dry smoke comes out bearing insecticide (permethrin). Leave the house for the day, closed up for at least 6 hours. Go to work. Don't stay in the house!

The smoke permeates the house, carpet, everything, leaving a very thin, dry, even residue of permethrin on all surfaces. Goodbye fleas, roaches, flies. 

You will have to air out the house as soon as you come back, collect all the cans/beakers and throw them away, maybe wash your dishes. The fumigators are economical, effective and (so far, 15 + years) safe and non-harmful.

Not pet or aquarium friendly, so you have to remove those of you have them.

Buy Raid Fumigators at:
Sam's Club

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